Home » Divorce and Family law Blog » Movie: Divorce Corp., The Divorce Industry Exposed
“I think death would be easier than a divorce.” That’s the start to the movie trailer “Divorce Corp., The Divorce Industry Exposed.” Divorce Corp., is a limited released documentary regarding “the inner workings of the $50 billion a year U.S. family law industry”…highlighting…”the appalling waste, and shameless, collusive practices seen daily in family courts.” The film is directed by Joseph Sorge and is in theaters around the country this week. I have yet to see the film, which might be a bit sensational, but the trailer did not strike me as very “shocking.” Having seen similar practices, these stories rang true. Finally, someone has captured some truth about the risks when litigating your divorce. You can watch the trailer here.
Hopefully, Divorce Corp., will be a catalyst for much needed reforms in divorce court. Ideally, it should begin with educating on a national level, not just those who are in need of a divorce or in the midst of one. By then, it is too late. Emotions are too high. Parties are angry and confused. As a result, these families turn to the courts looking for swift justice, not realizing the traditional family court system cannot provide them the services they need. In our “In the News,” we share a sad story of a murder-suicide taking the lives of three family members in West Palm Beach, Florida, this past Monday over a litigated divorce. Incidents like these should never happen.
There are many alternatives now to the traditional or litigated divorce. Parties can mediate their divorce, using a third party neutral like myself, to reach a workable agreement outside of court. Additionally, parties can work through a divorce as self-represented litigants and consult with a mediator or attorney as needed. In California, parties who still wish to hire attorneys can pursue collaborative divorce and still avoid the courts. As reforms continue, more options will become available. And hopefully divorce wars will be a thing of the past.
Families First Mediation is a pioneer in the field of divorce mediation. Our entire divorce mediation team takes great pride in being active trainers, divorce mediators and teachers of mediation in the greater California area. If you are considering a collaborative divorce, legal seperation or looking for a san jose divorce lawyer we have services that may be beneficial to you. Take advantage of our vast expertise and background in the field of divorce mediation and our genuine desire to help with your divorce mediation services.