Divorce is difficult enough, and for many with religious beliefs, divorce can be even more traumatizing because of the pressures from their religious community.
At Families First, we believe your beliefs and tenants are important to the process. If you are of religious faith, and need to incorporate your beliefs, whether it is how we proceed through the matter, process information, or discuss raising the children in or out of the particular faith, we will include that in our mediation.
Our purpose is to create a safe space and empower couples to make the right decisions for their family. Remember, there is no judgment here.
Some couples decide that a legal separation is a better option for them, rather than a divorce. A legal separation is similar to a divorce in that you complete the same process to divide assets, custody and establish support. It is dissimilar in that you remain marry and cannot legally remarry until your legal separation is entered as a divorce. There are more differences.
For Christians, finding themselves in a divorce can be traumatizing because of the pressures from the church body. At our office, no matter who the couple is, it’s a judgment free zone.
Christians, who are contemplating divorce, are encouraged to consider mediation as their first option when filing a divorce, paternity action or any other family law matter. According to I Corinthians 6:1-6, Christians should not sue one another but be imitators of Christ. Therefore, as Christ brought us peace, reconciling us with Him, we too are called to be peacemakers and at all times to exhibit the fruit of the Spirit. As you work through your divorce, consider making biblical peacemaking your priority. At Families First, we will walk along side you to accomplish this goal. For more information about the Gospel of Peace, visit www.peacemaker.net.
At Families First Mediation, your religious affiliation and core beliefs are important to us. Although the court will not be concerned with your religious and cultural traditions, we believe these are central to how your divorce or custody process should look, and how to structure your family once this is all done.
During this process, it’s important to do self-care. Here’s are some resources to help you in that journey.
Families First Mediation is a pioneer in the field of divorce mediation. Our entire divorce mediation team takes great pride in being active trainers, divorce mediators and teachers of mediation in the greater California area. If you are considering a collaborative divorce, legal seperation or looking for a san jose divorce lawyer we have services that may be beneficial to you. Take advantage of our vast expertise and background in the field of divorce mediation and our genuine desire to help with your divorce mediation services.
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